In August 2017, Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 6.1% in value compared to August 2016, from US$224.8 million to US$238.6 million.
The value of pine sawnwood exports increased 19% between August 2016 (US$35.5 million) and August 2017 (US$42.3 million). In terms of volume, exports increased 15% over the same period, from 178,500 cu.m to 205,100 cu.m.
The volume of tropical sawnwood exports increased 14%, from 30,900 cu.m in August 2016 to 35,200 cu.m in August 2017 at the same time the value of exports increased 10% from US$15.0 million to US$16.5 million.
Pine plywood exports increased 30% in value in August 2017 in comparison with August 2016; from US$38.9 million to US$50.6 million but there was only a 20% increase in the value of exports over the same period (from 148,000 cu.m to 177,600 cu.m).
Tropical plywood export volumes increased 17.5% and the value of exports rose by 16% from 14,300 cu.m (US$5.6 million) in August 2016 to 16,800 cu.m (US$6.5 million) in August 2017.
The positive news continued with wooden furniture exports which increased from US$37.2 million in August 2016 to US$44.9 million in August 2017, around a 21% increase.