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October 1, 2018

The German wood industry keeps on growing

The German wood industry, made of the timber industry and the furniture industry, reached a 3% growth, to 18.206m €, achieved in sales revenue by the end of June 2018. The industry also wants to achieve a comparable rate of growth in the year as a whole.

Last year, according to the figures compiled by the German wood industry federation HDH, sales revenue generated by the whole wood industry rose by 1.7 % to 35.587bn €. The slightly regressive development in the furniture industry (-0.6 % to 17.855bn €) was more than compensated for by the growth of 4.7 % in the timber trade’s sales revenue to 16.554bn €.

This varying development continued in the first half-year as well. The timber trade’s sales revenue was 5.2 % higher than a year earlier at 8.555bn €. In view of the slowing pace of construction activity, the upward trend in the building-related sector, the biggest subsector, lost momentum too (+2.1 % to 2.771bn €).

Sales revenue generated by the wood-based panel industry increased 2.5 % to 2.530bn €. At +7.8 %, growth in the sawmilling industry was even more pronounced at 2.415bn €. According to the HDH, the 29.9 % growth in sales revenue to around 469.4m € in the wooden packaging segment was partly attributable to statistical regroupings. After the regressive development last year, the parquet industry achieved slight growth of 1.2 % again to 138.8m €.

Total sales revenue generated by the furniture industry rose by 1.0 % in the first half-year to 9.051bn €. The minor growth was almost exclusively due to export business; the furniture industry’s revenue from sales on the domestic market remained practically unchanged at last year’s level.


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