Based on structured interviews with around 150 companies in the seven main EU markets for tropical timber products (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the UK), the survey assessed trade views of the current and potential future market impact of FLEGT licensing.
The survey built on and updated results of the 2017 IMM (Independent Market Monitor) survey which covered 126 companies in the same EU countries. Reflecting the significant contribution of furniture in the mix of tropical wood products imported into the EU, the 2018 survey included coverage of a larger range of furniture companies compared to the 2017 survey.
The survey highlights that the FLEGT licensing system is now operating smoothly and easing access to the EU market for wood products from Indonesia, which became the first country to start issuing licenses in November 2016.
The survey also highlights that the combination of FLEGT licensing and the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) is changing purchasing practices in the EU. However, the survey also highlights that licensing, in isolation, is unlikely to transform the EU market for tropical timber, and that broader market development strategies will be required to drive significant increases in EU imports of licensed products.