In April 2019, the Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) declined 19% in value compared to April 2018, from US$286.6 million to US$232.9 million.
The value of April 2019 pine sawnwood exports dropped 10.5% compared to April 2018, from US$48.8 million to US$43.7 million. In terms of volume, exports fell 9% over the same period.
Exports volumes of Brazilian tropical sawnwood also fell (-8%) in April from 46,200 cu.m in April 2018 to 42,500 cu.m in April 2019. There was an even sharper decline in export values which dropped 14% from US$20.2 million to US$17.3 million in April this year.
The negative trend in exports continued with plywood. Brazil's pine plywood exports fell 41% in value in April 2019 in comparison with April 2018, from US$68.3 million to US$40.0 million. However price for plywood held up better as export earnings dropped only 27% over the same period, from 198,500 cu.m to 145,000 cu.m.
Brazilian tropical plywood exports are now very small and in April there was a drop in the value and volume of exports from 13,900 cu.m (US$6.1 million) in April 2018 to 7,500 cu.m (US$ 2.8 million) in April 2019.
Wooden furniture exports also took a hit in April with earnings falling from US$45.3 million in April 2018 to US$42.8 million in April 2019.