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December 4, 2019

Bark beetle infestation and storm damaged timber in Europe rapidly changing global trade flows

Up to the end of October, European log exports to China imports were a whopping 5.6 million m3. The pace of exports has been more than one million m3 per month in September and October and is now more than North America’s log exports to China this year. Current C&F China log prices for European spruce logs have been steadily dropping as the volume increased – they are now down to about €95–96/m³ (US$105/m³) from €117 per/m3 (US$130/m3) in 2019Q2.

The rapid expansion of the spruce bark beetle in combination with windstorms in Europe has grown to a massive scale in just a few short years, and the net impact is a huge timber salvage program with far-reaching implications in global markets.

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