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July 15, 2021

EU Commission presents its Fit for 55 climate package, European forest industry reacts

The European Commission presented the Fit for 55 plan on Wednesday, July 14. 13 legislative proposals are intended to help reduce greenhouse gases. This should reduce EU emissions by 55 percent by 2030. It is intended to help ensure that at least 55 percent fewer greenhouse gases are emitted in the countries of the European Union by 2030 than in 1990.

The package comprises twelve climate and energy policy projects, including the revision of the directives on energy efficiency and renewable energies and their expansion emissions trading on the mobility and building sector. Published in addition to this package of 12 legislative proposals the EU Commission drafted a new EU forest strategy.

German forest industry reacts

From the Raw wood association of the German wood industry ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholz eV-AGR) point of view, however, some approachesin the Fit for 55 plan encourage increasing restrictions on use in forest management.

AGR thinks the provisions of the regulation for the LULUCF sector (land use, land use change and forestry) and the content of the EU forestry strategy are critical with regard to the future supply of the sustainable raw material wood.

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