EU countries imported wood furniture worth €5.78 billion from outside the EU in 2015, 13% more than in 2014 and 16% more than in 2009, when the financial crisis had reached its climax. At the same time, EU exports of wood furniture rose to €8.73 billion in 2015, up only 3.5% from 2014 but 51% more than in 2009 (see the chart).
As such, EU exports of wood furniture are now around 51% higher than imports. Back in 2009, import and export values were more closely aligned: exports were worth €5.77 billion, 16% more than imports, which stood at €4.97 billion.
However, EU exports of wood furniture subsequently increased constantly over the last six years, with growth rates ranging between around 3% and 11% per annum.
Imports of wood furniture, on the other hand, have experienced a less consistent development: an increase in 2010 was followed by a fall in 2011, which again was followed by growth in 2012 and decline in 2013. 2014 and 2015 were the only two successive years to show growth since 2009.
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