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April 4, 2016

Gabon introduces restrictions on air dry sawnwood export

The private sector in Gabon is reporting that the government will go ahead with the introduction of regulations limiting the export of air dry sawnwood. It is understood that by mid-April a list of species will be issued detailing those included in the new regulations.
Reports say that okoume is to be included in the new regulation and that, for export, 60% must be kiln dried the balance 40% may be exported air dry.
It is also understood that ozingo has been removed from the list of timbers that can be traded but the felling ban on douka and kevazingo (bubinga) remains. It appears the government intends to propose kevazingo for CITES listing. Cameroon continues to enforce the ban on felling and processing of bubinga.
In related news, the government has decided to establish a new timber marketing organisation but it is not known when this is likely.
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