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April 14, 2016

Japan wants to increase lumber exports

The Japan Wood Products Exports Association has set up a committee as to organize specifications of the lumber exported to other countries. The JWPEA has also planned to open a permanent display station in Vietnam, the “Japan Wood Station”, where all kinds of Japanese wood products are to be exhibited. This will also help the Vietnamese market develop.
In 2015, the total wood products exports reached $240.3 million, going 24.8% up, compared to 2014. The initial target to be reached by 2020 was $228.5 million, so it has been already achieved ahead of the mentioned time. Of the total wood exports, 690,000 m3 were logs, whereas only 60,000 m3 was lumber.
As to increase the lumber exports, the committee set up by JWPEA will prepare export specifications on lumber, including quality and size, as to give more reliability of Japanese made lumber on foreign markets. Two major export targets are China and Taiwan, excluding Korea, which was also a main market for Japanese exports.
Another target is now Vietnam, so the exhibition of wood products should advertise the use Japanese lumber. Vietnam has a large whitewood furniture processing industry for export, so the demand for Japanese softwood such as cedar and cypress should be large enough. These materials are used for exports to the U.S.A. and European countries, and also for interior finishing materials for Vietnamese housing.
The JWPEA also wants to invite the Vietnamese furniture manufacturers to Japan as to introduce them the type of material they can supply for Taiwan. At the moment, the main items are the logs, but the association hopes that, in the future, there will be greater demand for plywood and LVL for windows and door frames.
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