In February 2016 Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) fell slightly (-0.8%) in value compared to February 2015, from US$213.6 million to US$211.8 million.
Year on year February Brazil's pine sawnwood export values rose by 63%, from US$16.8 million to US$ 27.4 million at the same time export volumes rose over 95% from 71,400 to 140,900 cu.m.
Brazilian tropical sawnwood exports in February 2016 increased 13.2% from 24,200 cu.m in February 2015 to 27,400 cu.m but export earnings fell almost 14% from US$ 13.7 million in February last year to just US$11.8 million this February.
Brazil's pine plywood exports in February were down 4.2% year on year in value from US$35.9 million to US$34.4 million. However, export volumes were up almost 40% from 95,600 cu.m to 132,800 cu.m during the same period.
As for tropical plywood, export volumes in February rose sharply year on year, from 7,600 cu.m in February 2015 to 11,000 cu.m. In contrast to other export products above, the value of tropical plywood exports rose 7.5%.
Wooden furniture exporters did well in February increasing sales from US$32.6 million in February 2015 to US$34.1 million in February 2016, an almost 5% increase.
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