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May 13, 2016

Malaysia: Tropical timber exports reach 1 million m3

By December 2015, Malaysia has exported over 1 million m3 of certified tropical timber to 49 countries in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe, South Africa, United States and Canada. Out of this total, 868,332 m3 (82.93%) were exported to Europe, while 5% of it went to Germany alone.
As Daily Express reported, the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) paid an official visit to Germany, during which the council promoted the the offtake of quality, certified tropical timber from Malaysia.
During the visit there were talks about the most important milestones of sustainable forest management practices and forest certification to promote the uptake of programme for the endorsement of forest certification (PEFC) certified timber from Malaysia.

"Currently, only 10 per cent of the world's forests have been certified, of which 1.0 per cent comprised tropical forests. In this regard, the acceptance of PEFC certified timber from Malaysia in the public procurement policies by the various states in Germany will definitely be a significant step in the right direction," said MTCC Chief Executive Officer Yong Teng Koon.

The Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme was approved under the national timber procurement policies of Germany.


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