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June 2, 2016

China: Five Year plan sees 1.4 billion cubic metre forest stock

The 13th Five Year Planning for China’s national forestry development has been released by the State Forestry Administration (SFA), as ITTO reported.
According to the plan just over 33 million hectares of plantations will be established and tending of the current 40 million hectares will continue.
The plan envisages China’s national forest stock will reach 1.4 billion cubic metres, the forest cover will rise to just over 23% and the total value of forestry industry output will amount to RMB8.7 trillion.
During 12th Five Year Plan period output from the country’s forest industry grew by more than 20% to RMB5.94 trillion compared to output in the previous plan period.
The average annual production of wood-based panels in the 12th plan period was 250 million cubic metres and flooring output tipped 690 billion square metres.


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