In June 2016 Brazilian exports of wood-products (except pulp and paper) increased 4.1% in value compared to June 2015, from US$231.7 million to US$241.1 million.
The value of Brazil's pine sawnwood exports fell 3.9% over the same period from US$30.9 million to US$ 29.7 million but, in terms of volume June 2016 exports increased 15.7% year on year from 134,800 cu.m to 156,000 cu.m, as ITTO reported.
Brazilian tropical sawnwood exports increased 22.4% in volume, from 26,300 cu.m in June 2015 to 32,200 cu.m in June this year and the value of exports increased 12.3% (US$13 million to US$14.6 million).
June 2016 pine plywood exports increased 2.6% in value year on year from US$34.1 million to US$35.0 million and export volumes also increased from 99,600 cu.m to 134,200 cu.m.
A similar trend was seen for Brazil's tropical plywood exports. Year on year June exports were up 22.4% in volume from 9,800 cu.m in June 2015 to 12,000 cu.m in June 2016. The value of exports increased 4.3% from US$4.7 million to US$4.9 milion over the same period.
Brazil’s wooden furniture exports performed well in June 2106 rising US$35.2 million a year earlier to US$39.5 million.