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October 10, 2016

Chinese plywood exports to the EU drop by -13%

Plywood exports from China to the European Union have decreased by -13% during January-July 2016, as compared to same period last year.

The value of the plywood exports reached EUR 245 million, as compared to the EUR 282 million worth of plywood exported in 2015 (January-July).

Almost all the European countries decreased their Chinese plywood imports. The top import source was still the UK, with EUR 133 million worth of plywood imported in the mentioned period. Yet, this represents a -13% decrease over last year.

Plywood imports dropped in Belgium and Germany to, by -18% and -12%, respectively. Belgium, the second European plywood import country, imported Chinese plywood at a value of EUR 32 million, as compared to the EUR 39 million during January-July 2015. Germany's imports amounted to EUR 17 million.

France's plywood worth of imports from China remained almost the same, at a value of EUR 15.2 million, as compared to the EUR 15.7 million imported during the mentioned period of last year.

TOP 10 Importing Countries

Plywood imported from China by... (in EUR )

Importing Country 2015 2016 Change in %
282,566,088 245,510,023 -13 %
United Kingdom
153,360,768 133,653,583 -13 %
39,362,230 32,239,510 -18 %
20,117,220 17,663,580 -12 %
15,743,740 15,280,410 -3 %
14,587,290 10,923,150 -25 %
39,394,840 35,749,790 -9 %
OTHER European Countries
244,720 190,770 -22 %
139,000 97,860 -30 %
105,720 92,910 -12 %
TOTAL 282,810,808 245,700,793 -13 %

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