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October 26, 2016

India: October prices for teak logs and imported sawnwood and plywood

The price list for teak, sawnwood and plywood between 1-15 October 2016
Plantation teak prices
As domestic teak log auctions were suspended due to the monsoon, demand for imported plantation teak picked up.

US$ per cu.m C&F
Angola logs 459-574
Belize logs 350-400
Benin logs 290-714
Benin sawn 530-872
Brazil logs 277-812
Brazil squares 370-556
Cameroon logs 405-616
Colombia logs 258-982
Congo D. R. logs 450-761
Costa Rica logs 250-780
Côte d'Ivoire logs 289-756
Ecuador squares 258-616
El-Salvador logs 320-732
Ghana logs 276-434
Guatemala logs 324-646
Guyana logs 300-450
Kenya logs 515-876
Laos logs 300-605
Liberia logs 265-460
Malaysian logs 225-516
Mexican logs 295-808
Nicaragua logs 402-505
Panama logs 335-475
PNG logs 443-575
Sudan logs 317-720
Tanzania, teak, sawn 307-613
Thailand logs 511-700
Togo logs 334-590
Trinidad and Tobago logs 603-753
Uganda logs 411-623
Uganda Teak sawn 680-900

Price range depends on quality, length and average girth of logs.

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