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November 16, 2016

Russia now with the highest market share in EU plywood imports

In terms of plywood imports, the Russian birch seems more and more attractive on the EU market. Even though Russia has traditionally been a major plywood supplier for the EU countries, now the country managed to take the lead in the first eight months of 2016, surpassing China.

In Jan.-Aug. 2016, Russia's market share in EU's plywood imports came up to 16,08% (compared to 14,92% in Jan.-Aug. 2015). On contrast, China and Brazil, the two other major suppliers of plywood to the EU slowed down the pace, having decreased their supplies in Jan.-Aug. 2016 by more than -20% each. Therefore, China’s plywood shipments to the EU amounted to 245,70 million euros, running on the second place. Plywood imports from Brazil valued at 159,54 million euros, putting the country to the third position.

In Jan.-Aug. 2016, EU plywood imports from Russia had the following results

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