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March 7, 2017

Brazil: Exports of wood products up 20%

In January 2017 Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 20.0% in value compared to January 2016, from US$175.2 million to US$210.3 million.

The value of pine sawnwood exports fell 82% between January 2016 (US$20.2 million) and January 2017 (US$3.7 million). In terms of volume the change was 102,000 cu.m in January 2015 to just 18,000 cu.m this January.

In contrast, the volume of tropical sawnwood exports rose 32% from 24,800 cu.m in January 2016 to 32,800 cu.m in January this year.

However the value of these exports increased by just 13% from US$12.1 million in January last year to US$ 13.7 million this year.

Brazil’s pine plywood exports increased 31% in value in January 2017 in comparison with January 2016 levels, from US$26.6 million to US$ 34.8 million. In volume terms exports increased 29% over the same period.

Tropical plywood exports from Brazil increased significantly in volume and in value in January this year rising from 6,200 cu.m (US$2.2 million) in January 2016 to 10,600 cu.m (US$3.9 million).

The value of wooden furniture exports also rose in January from US$23.6 million in January 2015 to US$26.6 million in January this year.


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