March 2016 exports of Brazil's wood-based products (except pulp and paper) declined 15% in value compared to March 2015, from US$282.3 million to US$239.6 million.
The value of March 2016 Brazilian pine sawnwood exports increased a massive 30% year on year from US$25.4 million toUS$33.1 million. There was a corresponding increase in the volume of exports (108,300 cu.m to 171,900 cu.m) however, average export prices were down in March.
Brazil's tropical sawnwood exports increased 16% in volume, from 31,100 cu.m in March 2015 to 36,100 cu.m in March this year but there was only a 1.2% increase in export earnings (US$16.5 million to US$16.7 million).
March 2016 pine plywood exports from Brazil fell 22% year on year from US$46.8 million to US$36.5 million but, at the same time, the volume of exports increased 12%, from 127,400 cu.m to 142,600 cu.m.
Brazil’s March tropical plywood exports increased 19% in volume, from 9,500 cu.m in March 2015 to 11,300 cu.m in March this year but export earnings fell 4.3%.
To wrap up the depressing story on March exports, the value of wooden furniture exports dropped 18.5% from US$46 million in March last year to US$37.5 million in March this year.