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October 15, 2019

China: Prices of imported logs and lumber in September 2019

Prices in the Guangdong Yuzhu Timber Market
1. Logs
Origin Species Diameter Prices range Prices range September Change from August
(Euro/m3) (RMB/m3) Price
Min Max Min Max Range Trend
Malaysia, Indonesia Merbau d>100cm 641.98 666.67 5200 5400 5200/5400
80<99cm 555.56 567.9 4500 4600 4500/4600
d<79cm 432.1 493.83 3500 4000 3500/4000
Balau d>100cm 654.32 679.01 5300 5500 5300/5500
80<99cm 567.9 592.59 4600 4800 4600/4800
60<d<79cm 530.86 555.56 4300 4500 4300/4500
d<60cm 444.44 469.14 3600 3800 3500/3800
Kapur d>80cm 345.68 444.44 2800 3600 2800/3600
d<79cm 345.68 333.33 2600 2700 2600/2700
Ulin Assorted 802.47 6500 6500
Lauan d>60cm 246.91 271.6 2000 2200 2000/2200
50<60cm 222.22 246.91 1800 2000 1800/2000
Mengaris d>60cm 246.91 259.26 2000 2100 2000/2100
50<d<60cm 209.88 234.57 1700 1900 1700/1900
Northeastern China,Russia Ash d>35cm 530.86 543.21 4300 4400 4200/4300
Basswood d>36cm 444.44 469.14 3600 3800 3500/3800
Elm d=36cm 345.68 444.44 2800 3600 2800/3600
Chinese walnut d=36cm 345.68 518.52 2800 4200 2800/4200
Chinese oak d>36cm 518.52 679.01 4200 5500 4000/5500
Mongolian scotch pine d>36cm 234.57 271.6 1900 2200 2000/2200
Larch d>36cm 191.36 234.57 1550 1900 1550/1900
Maple d>36cm 333.33 376.54 2700 3050 2700/3050
Poplar d>36cm 206.7 240.74 1650 1950 1650/1950
Africa Big Wenge Assorted 592.59 679.01 4800 5500 4800/5500
Okume Assorted 271.6 308.64 2200 2500 2200/2500
Okan Assorted 419.75 481.48 3400 3900 3400/3800
African blackwood Assorted 987.65 1851.85 8000 15000 8000/15000
Adoukdeafric d>80cm 469.14 481.48 3800 3900 3800/3900
d<79cm 432.1 456.79 3500 3700 3500/3700
Umbila d=60cm 555.56 4500 4500
Ambila Assorted 493.83 679.01 4000 5500 4000/5500
Kevozingo d>80cm 1604.94 1851.85 13000 15000 13000/15000
Ekki d>100cm 444.44 3600 3200
d=50-99cm 345.68 358.02 2800 2900 2800/2900
Monzo d=40cm 703.7 740.74 5700 6000 5700/6000
Myanmar Teak 30<d<60cm 1049.38 1481.48 8500 12000 8500/12000
France Red oak d>30cm 308.64 320.99 2500 2600 2500/2600
S.America Purple Heart d>60cm 419.75 456.79 3400 3700 3100/3300
50<d<60cm 345.68 358.02 2800 2900 2600/2900
Barataballi d>60cm 283.95 2300 2300
Wamara d>40cm 567.9 580.25 4600 4700 4700/4800
Ipe d>40cm 469.14 555.56 3800 4500 3800/4500
Green heart d>40cm 283.95 302.47 2300 2450 2300/2450
Fava-Amargosa d>100cm 333.33 370.37 2700 3000 2500/2800
Palosanto d>30cm 987.65 1012.35 8000 8200 8000/8200
King wood Assorted(unit:ton) 5925.93 6419.75 48000 52000 48000/55000
2. Lumber
Places Product Grades Prices range Prices range September Change from August
name (Euro/m3) (RMB/m3) Price
Min Max Min Max Range Trend
North America Cherry FAS-2" 1234.57 1580.25 10000 12800 10000/12800
FAS-1" 1111.11 1358.02 9000 11000 9000/11000
White Ash A 740.74 864.2 6000 7000 5500/7000
Black Walnut FAS-2" 1728.4 2098.77 14000 17000 14000/16000
FAS-1" 1234.57 1604.94 10000 13000 10000/13000
AB(1-2") 864.2 925.93 7000 7500 7000/7500
Hard Maple A 1111.11 1234.57 9000 10000 9000/9500
Soft Maple A 925.93 987.65 7500 8000 7500/8000
White Oak A 1111.11 1604.94 9000 13000 9000/13000
Red Oak A 888.89 1111.11 7200 9000 6800/9000
White Kageki A 987.65 1111.11 8000 9000 8000/9000
Pine Finaland A 358.02 2900 2900
Africa Makore A (imported with original packing) 901.23 7300 7300
Zingana A 1358.02 1604.94 11000 13000 12000/15000
Awora A 802.47 888.89 6500 7200 6000/7000
Mezali (big) A 1604.94 1851.85 13000 15000 13000/15000
Mezali (small) A 1481.48 1604.94 12000 13000 12000/13000
African Walnut A 1172.84 1234.57 9500 10000 9500/10000
Sapelli A (imported with original packing) 962.96 1049.38 7800 8500 7500/8500
Okume A 555.56 617.28 4500 5000 4500/5000
Ebiara A 925.93 987.65 7500 8000 7500/8000
Bubinga A 1975.31 2222.22 16000 18000 16000/18000
Acajou A (imported with original packing) 925.93 987.65 7500 8000 7200/7600
Adouk d'afric A 777.78 864.2 6300 7000 6300/7000
Samba A 617.28 654.32 5000 5300 5000/5300
Teak A 1185.19 9600 9600
Europe European Maple A 1234.57 1296.3 10000 10500 10000/10500
Beech Super Class 654.32 5300 5300
Southeast Asia Nyatoh No knot 493.83 543.21 4000 4400 4000/4400
Pontianak wood Super Class 1089.59 1210.65 9000 10000 9000/10000
Merbau Super class 1049.38 1135.8 8500 9200 8600/9500
Lauan Super class 567.9 592.59 4600 4800 4600/4800
Camphorwood Super class 617.28 604.94 4500 4900 5500/6000
Camphorwood A 617.28 679.01 5000 5500 5000/5400
Ebony Super class 1975.31 16000 16000
Ramin No knot 740.74 814.81 6000 6600 6000/6600

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