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October 7, 2016

China ships more hardwood plywood to the US

US hardwood plywood imports increased 7% in July month on month to 299,602 cu.m. However, year-to-July imports remain lower than at the same time in 2015. The value of US plywood imports in July increased 10% from the previous month to USUS$171 million.

Plywood shipments from China accounted for the majority of imports and the overall growth in imports. July imports from China were 204,335 cu.m. worth USUS$115.3 million. However, year-to-July import volumes from China were slightly below 2015 levels.

Hardwood plywood imports from Indonesia fell 20% in July as did imports from all other suppliers except China.

Significant growth in tropical hardwood veneer imports

Tropical hardwood veneer imports are significantly up this year from 2015. Imports were worth US$2.8 million in July, up 81% on July 2015.

While the majority of imports come from Europe, no single supplier dominates the market. Based on year-toJuly imports Italy and China were the largest suppliers of tropical veneer in 2016 followed by Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, India and Cameroon.

In July, Italy shipped just under US$1 million to the US market while China supplied US$0.4 million worth of tropical veneer.

Mouldings imports lower than in 2015

Imports of hardwood mouldings were worth US$15.8 million in July, up 9%. Year-to-date imports were 3% lower than in July 2015.

Imports from Brazil continued to decline with July imports falling to US$2.8 million, down 4% from June. Moulding imports from Malaysia were also down in July from the previous month, but the year-to-July import value increased 10% from the same time last year.

China’s hardwood moulding shipments to the US increased in July to US$5.4 million. Year-to-date imports from China were down 11% from July 2015.


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