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October 26, 2016

Guide on how to reduce the annual energy consumption of sawmills

The Ecoinflow project aims to facilitate implementation of tailor-made Energy Management System (EnMS) and reduced the annual energy use in the European sawmills industry sector through international engagement, collaboration and knowledge transfer. In order to help the EnMS implementation, the Ecoinflow partners produced the SawEnMS handbook, one of the major project outcomes.

Some of the main barriers for energy savings in the European sawmilling industry (SMI) are the lack of infrastructure and profitability with sale of surplus energy products (e.g. bark and chips), the lack of knowledge about optimal utilization of the energy input factors, and low awareness about the reduction potential. Although there are large energy savings potentials within the industry, a coordinated action was necessary for reaping these savings and convincing market actors to implement concrete measures. The Ecoinflow aimed to decrease the energy use by 6 % during the project by implementing a strategic tool for increasing energy efficiency.

The work focused on making sawmills go through a complete "plan-do-check-act" cycle and continue with the next one, setting new targets. In order to do that, it was important to disclose the most favourable methods to install power and heat meters to monitor the energy flows. The results were disseminated through EMS best industry practices and recommendations across Europe.

An EMS for sawmills was compiled by using:

  • Starting points: International standards (ISO 50001, EN 16001) and  the IEE BESS-project results,
  • Inspiration: Existing handbooks and EnMS models,
  • Usability in practice: Consult sawmills,
  • Enhancements: Collaboration within the Ecoinflow network.

The project results contributed to map the road for the industry to meet the EU goal of 20 % energy reduction by 2020, and generated important inputs for the participating countries to meet the binding targets of the 2020 European renewable energy policy. The roadmap included studies of the different business-, legislative- and technological frameworks related to SMI in Europe.The EnMS was implemented at 30 sawmills all around Europe.

The handbook is a guide for sawmills on how to implement a practical and usable EnMS. By following the guide, the sawmill companies will develop a framework for working with energy management.

Copy of the SawEnMS handbook is available here:


Full Study Report:


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