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December 5, 2018

ENplus certification for wood pellets to launch its revision process

The European Pellet Council (EPC), governing body of the ENplus® certification for wood pellets, has announced the launch of a revision process for the scheme’s procedures and requirements. This third revision in the scheme’s history will factor in stakeholders’ feedback, as well as the latest scientific data and its own certification management experience, EPC says.

The appointment of an Advisory Committee is an important step in this revision process. Composed of wood pellet stakeholders, the Committee will discuss the key issues to be addressed during the revision and reach a consensus on the draft documentation. The Committee will include representatives of governing and certification bodies, certified companies and end-user organisations. The call for applications is open until 7 December to all representatives willing to accompany and contribute to the revision process.

A public consultation, held in May-June 2019, will constitute another important step of the process. It will present every actor on the pellet market with an opportunity to comment on the draft documentation elaborated in collaboration with the Advisory Committee. Before that, comments and remarks can be sent via an online form until the end of 2018.

The revised version of the ENplus® procedure and requirements is expected to enter into force by the end of 2019.

The framework document setting out the rules for the development of the ENplus®documentation and the Terms of References for this project are both available on the ENplus® website.

Launched internationally in 2011, ENplus® certifies today nearly 900 companies in 45 countries across the globe. with a projected 10 million tonnes of certified pellets produced in 2018.


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