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June 23, 2016

European parquet market on the road to recovery

Confirming the January forecast of the FEP (European Federation of the Parquet Industry) issued at the start of the DOMOTEX fair in Hannover, the consolidated data provided by member companies and affiliated national associations indicates that the global European market experienced a slight growth of 0.5% in 2015. Though the results show some variation from country to country.

Compared to 2014, the overall consumption figures in 2015 point to an increase by 0,48%. As far as production is concerned, the trend already witnessed in the previous years, namely the strategic choices made by several producing companies to relocate their production in European countries outside the FEP territory, was once again confirmed and reinforced. The production in FEP territory upturned by 2,61% to almost 64 millions square meters, while the European production outside FEP countries is at an estimated 14,6 millions square meters.

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