The French machinery and manufacturing technology association SYMOP (Syndicat des Machines et Technologies de Production) has decided to reschedule EXPOBOIS, France’s leading wood industry trade fair, from its original timeslot in November to a new timeslot in the spring season. The biennial event will therefore next be held from 13 to 16 March 2018, at the Villepinte exhibition center in Paris.
SYMOP’s decision was made in light of current turbulences and shifts in today’s French trade fair market and in response to wishes voiced by the show’s exhibitors for a national fair in Paris and a regional event in Lyon.
The organizers of EXPOBOIS will now work out the detailed concept for the 2018 event in close collaboration with exhibitors and the relevant associations. In an effort to ensure that the fair best supports and serves the interests of the French market, the organizers will give top consideration to exhibitor requests, e.g. in terms of the chosen display categories and other key aspects.
Major emphasis will be placed on the topics of sustainable forestry and the modernization of timber processing and woodworking infrastructure, as well as on highlighting the benefits of Industry 4.0 (or industrie du futur, as it is known in France) for French SMEs. SYMOP – the organization behind EXPOBOIS – is also an active contributor to France’s “Alliance for the Industry of the Future” – a range of initiatives aimed at promoting the modernization of French industry and the digitalization of production processes.
EXPOBOIS is a joint production between SYMOP and Deutsche Messe AG. As the representative body of France’s manufacturers of timber processing and woodworking machinery, SYMOP is the long-standing owner and operator of the fair. Deutsche Messe, a German-based international trade fair operating company, provides operational support. With their combined expertise, the two partners will bring all the key market players together at EXPOBOIS, while at the same time contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future for France’s industrial base.