Pulpwood purchases in Finland amounted 10.8 million cubic meters, which is 17 percent more than the average of the last 10 years for January-August. Sawlog purchase amount reached 8.6 million cubic meters, 13 percent more than the average of the last 10 years.
The timber sales pace is expected to remain good during the rest of the year in Finland.
Stumpage price have remained stable
In August, pine and spruce sawlogs were paid an average of € 53-55 per cubic meter, but the price varied by region by between 43 and 58 euro. The average price of birch logs was € 41 per cubic meter, and ranged between 35 and 45 euro. Pine and birch pulpwood average stumpage price was EUR 15 and spruce pulpwood EUR 17 per cubic meter. Pulpwood prices ranged between 10 and 19 euro.
The price level was affected by the total number of harvested trees, wood quality, ogging method, forestry and long-distance travel, the terrain and the harvesting period.

Finland: Forest industry increases purchases of roundwood
In January-August 2016, the member companies of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation bought from private forests around 20 million cubic meters of wood, which is 15 percent more than the average of the last ten years, and 10 percent more than in the corresponding period of the previous year.