The UK leaving the European Union might have a negative influence on the environment and forests, especially. Also, the EUTR might be affected by this leave.
At this time, when the climate change issue is particularly affecting the environment, the Brexit could prevent the development and implementation of environmental policies. Even if it is difficult to foresee all the problems that would appear from this situation, it is clear that the actions to protect and restore the forests will slow down all across the EU.
While the EU rules have brought many benefits regarding the environment in the UK, also the UK had a major importance for the forests in the EU and especially on the ones outside the EU. It was one of the biggest influences for FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade), including the Voluntary Partnership Agreement and the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), which controls the illegal timber that’s coming into the EU market.
Thus, if the UK decides to stop their support for the programs regarding the forests, it would mean a disaster, and especially if they stop implementing the EUTR. Yet, for a two-year period, until the process of leaving the EU is completed, all the EU laws, including the EUTR, stays in force in the UK.
When the UK will be outside the EU, then the country will have to keep its access to the single market, as to be able to sustain Britain’s interests. Thus, the UK will have to implement the same environmental laws as the other member countries of the EU. In addition, the future amendments of the EUTR made by the European Commission will have to maintain an equivalent change for the UK legislation as to ensure the access to the EU market.
Yet, if the EUTR gets removed from the EU, the Timber and Timber Products (Placing on the Market) Regulation of 2013 will come into effect in late 2018. But there not might be the chance for it, as the UK has been one of the leaders of implementing the EUTR and it is most likely to remain committed to it.
Another issue that could affect the other 27 member countries of the EU is that the UK might put into force its national “Timber Regulation”, which comes against the illegally harvested wood inside the EU. But this would only be possible within 3 years of UK’s leaving the EU. Also, even if the Euro might get weakened by the Brexit, the wood from within the Eurozone is possible to get even cheaper for those outside the EU.