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May 26, 2020

Impact of coronavirus pandemic on the Russian wood industry

In January-March 2020, Russian roundwood production remained at the previous year’s level, while in Northwest Russia it decreased by four per cent. Roundwood exports decreased by almost a quarter compared to the previous year, with the largest decline to China (-34%). In addition to the coronavirus pandemic, roundwood export was affected by the stricter phytosanitary requirements imposed by China. The amount of roundwood exported to Finland decreased by nine per cent.
During the first quarter, sawnwood production grew by more than ten per cent. At the level of Russia sawnwood export decreased by eight per cent, whereas in Northwest Russia export remained at the previous year’s level.
Production of plywood and particle board decreased by seven per cent, while there was less decrease in the production of fibreboard. However, exports of plywood increased by about 10 percent and particle board by almost 20 percent.
In the pulp and paper industry, both production and export volumes increased in January-March.
The coronavirus pandemic will likely be reflected in forest industry production volumes more after April. Russia’s corona restrictions came into force on 30th March and

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