The timber markets showed a positive trend throughout 2017 and in the first half of 2018 in almost all markets. Austrian sawmills were able to react and increased sawnwood production by approx. 10% from 2015 to 2017. An approx. 3 % increase in exports was also able to be attained again compared to 2016. The investment climate is also strengthened by the positive forecasts and framework conditions. Investment is taking place both in the real net output and also in the expansion of drying capacities. Renowned architects have re-discovered wood as a building material. Spectacular buildings are currently being constructed from wood on a global scale – also using Austrian know-how.
Due to the damage events occurring without warning in Austria in the summer, it was possible to store domestic roundwood in an intensified manner for the first time in a long time in 2017.
Germany continued to be an important “driver” for the European market. However, Italy remains the largest export market – with a slightly positive trend compared to the previous year. There was a very high demand for packaging wood throughout Europe. China and the USA recorded the largest relative increase in exports. Glue-laminated and increasingly prefabricated timber products recorded