The transfer of Nordingrå Trä and its five employee will take effect today, 5 October. The transfer of Södra Wood Föllinge and its four employees took place on 1 October. Both transfers have been carried out in accordance with the Co-Determination in the Workplace Act (MBL).

Nordingrå Trä produces a wide range of rails, posts, fences and wooden decorations for indoor and outdoor uses and its products are primarily sold to the Scandinavian building materials trade. The main products produced by Södra Wood Föllinge comprise flooring and panelling for the Swedish market.

“Both Nordingrå Trä and Södra Wood Föllinge are small businesses which we believe would thrive better under the management of other owners given the limited synergies that exist for us,” said Jörgen Lindquist, President of the Södra Wood business area.

The buyer of Nordingrå Trä is Pro Unica AB, a previous owner of the company. Nordingrå has been owned by Södra since 2009. The situation is similar for Föllinge, with former owner and current factory manager Rikard Eriksson now buying back the business. Södra purchased Föllinge Golv in 2012.

“I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to buy back the business, thus returning ownership to Jämtland County. We have now secured a delivery agreement with Södra that we will service in the best possible manner and develop by adding new contacts and possibly new products. We will also revert to the old established name Föllinge Golv,” said Rikard Eriksson.

Södra is implementing structural changes in its sawmill and interior wood products operations to strengthen the company’s long-term competitiveness. Several structural changes have been made in the sawmill operations and, with respect to the interior wood products operations, Södra Wood Rottne was sold to Ess-Enn Timber prior to the summer.