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March 3, 2016

Possible renewal of the Softwood Lumber Agreement on meeting between Obama and Trudeau

Next Thursday, the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing President Barack Obama meet to sign on to the continental environment and climate-change strategy. As the International Trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland, stated, the talks will also include the renewal of the Softwood Lumber Agreement between Canada and the US, according to The Globe and Mail.
The US and Canadian officials are now working on the presentations of the data for the meeting and even if the details are kept hidden, there is information that the new agreement will include stronger auto-emission and fuel standards as to develop electric cars, charging stations, self-driving vehicles and ride-sharing apps.
As The Globe and Mail reported, when it comes to the SLA renewal, there are sources saying that it couldn’t be completed during the US election year, because it could damage the Democrats’ image in the Congress. US producers don’t seem so interested in the renewal of the agreement that expired back in October 2015, even if the strong US housing starts and there is increased demand for Canadian softwood lumber.

As Freeland explained, “the visit is still coming together but I am very hopeful there will be some real accomplishments on the environment and climate change. We are still 10 days away and negotiations are very intense right now and I am not going to get ahead of where negotiators are.”

If the agreement won’t be renewed, Canadian softwood lumber producers may be imposed new tariffs starting October 2016. Still, this issue will be talked about during the Thursday meeting in the Oval office. The meeting is very important, as Canada hasn’t been invited to the White House since 1997, according to Ms. Freeland.
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