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November 18, 2016

Stora Enso and Volvo Cars to inaugurate renewable energy pipeline

Stora Enso and Volvo Cars officially opened a new hot water pipeline between their manufacturing sites in Ghent, Belgium, on 18 November 2016. The four-kilometre pipeline will take hot water heated using renewable energy from Stora Enso’s paper mill to the Volvo plant, where it will be used to heat buildings and paint booths. The annual reductions in CO2 emissions correspond to the heating of 5 000 households.

Bart Tommelein, Minister of Energy of the Flemish Government, ceremoniously opened the valves of the pipeline together with the managing directors of Volvo Car Gent and Stora Enso’s Langerbrugge Mill, Eric Van Landeghem and Chris De Hollander.

Thanks to the pipeline, Volvo Cars will use substantially lower amounts of fossil fuels for heating – also reducing the plant’s CO2emissions and energy costs. The project will lead to emission reductions estimated at 15 000 tonnes of CO2per year, cutting the Ghent plant’s total CO2emissions by more than 40 per cent.

Volvo Car Group has a stated ambition to be among the leaders in climate neutral operations and energy efficiency. The joint project with Stora Enso takes the company a significant step closer to this goal, reducing its Europe-wide CO2emissions by 24 per cent.

Stora Enso has committed to reduce the company’s use of fossil fuels to as close to zero as is technically and economically feasible over the next ten years.

This cooperation with Volvo is an example of the collaborative efforts Stora Enso is taking to combat global warming. Twelve of Stora Enso's mills are currently linked to local district heating systems, significantly reducing the use of oil and other fossil fuels in these localities. The project in Belgium was initiated in 2014.

“We are extremely pleased to be able to lower our CO2emissions and energy costs in line with our efforts to improve our internal efficiency and promote sustainability, both in the cars we make and in our production processes”, says Eric Van Landeghem, managing director of Volvo Car Gent.

“The construction of a system of industrial district heating outside our premises and the delivery of external renewable energy to Volvo Car Gent will lead to increased energy efficiency, which is beneficial to the environment and increases the use of our assets,” says Chris De Hollander, managing director of Stora Enso’s Langerbrugge Mill.

Stora Enso’s paper mill at Langerbrugge produces 550 000 tonnes of newsprint and magazine paper a year, made entirely from recycled paper.


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