The European Confederation of Woodworking Industries CEI-Bois has elected a new board this month. Anders Ek, President of SCA Timber Supply has been selected as the new Chairman.
Vice-Presidents are Dr. Erich Wiesner, owner and managing director of WIEHAG AG and Vítor Poças, President of the Portuguese Wood and Furniture Industries Association AIMMP.
As a honorary Vice President, Marc Michielsen was elected. Michielsen is Director Government & Regulatory Affairs EMEA at CHEP.
Other members of the board of the CEI-Bois are:
• Bert Kattenbroek, Dutch Association of Carpenters;
• Mathias Schäfer, Managing Director of FingerHaus GmbH; Germany;
• Filip De Jaeger, Secretary Fedustria, Belgium;
• Sampsa Auvinen, President EOS, CEO Norvik Timber, Norway;
• Markku Herrala, UPM Plywood, Finland.
CEI Bois is the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, representing and defending the interests of the woodworking and furniture industries towards the European Union. The organization includes more than 184,000 companies generating annual sales of EUR 130 billion and employing around 1.1 million workers in EU27.