The national standards developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2010 regarding formaldehyde emissions from wood products and based on the California regulation are still unsettled, ITTO reports.
The spring of 2016 comes as a deadline for the EPA to issue the final regulation. Until now, some of the industry groups argued the things stated in the draft released by EPA.
This comes as a result of many tests which proved that the formaldehyde emission levels from wood products are way higher than the California regulation.
One of the cases was that of the laminate flooring products sold by Ark Floors, a smaller importer of Chinese-made flooring, whose formaldehyde emission levels were consistently higher than the standards. Lumber Liquidators, the company that owns Ark Floors, has been already accused of selling flooring with high formaldehyde emissions, according to ITTO.
Moreover, the company that delivered the flooring to Ark Floors had products taken out of Chinese stores in 2012, over the formaldehyde emissions high levels. Now, the testing made oh these products have raisen attention among Americans about the impacts these formaldehyde emissions levels could have on their health.
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