Strong performance in Mainland China and Vietnam markets drove 25.6% growth (YoY) of the US hardwood exports, setting a new second quarter record and resulting a sixth consecutive month of gains the first half year of 2017 compared to H1 2016.
The South-East Asia and Greater China markets reached $1.19 billion, which accounted for 60.3% of all global exports. Greater China market grew at 28.7% to over $1 billion. SEA markets continued to have a solid growth at 9.3% (YoY) to $166 million in the first half year of 2017.
The global exports value of American hardwood reached $1.98 billion, up 10.5% (YoY).
Vietnam and Malaysia were the only two markets achieved a solid growth at 14.9% (YoY) and 11.7% (YoY) to $120 million (YoY) and $15 million respectively. They also lifted up the overall SEA performance increased at 9.3% in the first half year of 2017 versus same period of time in 2016.
The remaining markets in SEA, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore declined from 6.2% to 42.3%.